Agenda - AGM 2020
Details of the agenda for the ZOOM agm on 1st October.
The TAY AGM will be held on Thursday1st October at 1930.
The meeting will take place via Zoom. The meeting will in two parts with a 15 minute break in between.
Part 1
Approval of the Minutes of the previous AGM held on 1st October 2019
Matters Arising
Secretary: no volunteers or appointment made
Constitution: See Item 10 below
Chair’s statement
Discussion of Committee and Office Bearers’ Reports issued prior to the meeting:
Chair (Allan Downie)
Treasurer (Angela Dixon):
Membership (Fiona Downie)
Coaching (Moira Laws)
Club Captain (Alastair Duguid)
Event Coordinator (Bill Melville)
Appointment of an independent person to verify the accounts
Part 2
Election of Office Bearers
Nominations to serve on the committee other than Office Bearers.
Membership fees for 2020/21
There is a proposal from our Treasurer, Angela Dixon, seconded by Alistair Duguid that clubs membership fees some remained unchanged.
Proposal to adopt revised constitution. Documents issued prior to meeting.
Proposed by Moira Laws and Seconded by Bill Melville.
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