New to Orienteering?
Orienteering and what it's all about.
Orienteers say theirs is a challenging, outdoor, adventure sport for all!
Orienteering events are held in woods, on moorland, in parks and in the streets.
Does that sound like your thing? Read more or visit the video at the bottom of this page.
The aim is to navigate from one feature to the next (e.g boulder, crag, path junction, stream junction) using a map....... a specially produced orienteering map.
The features are shown as red circle control points on this map. They are numbered e.g 1 to 15, and must be visited in that order.
Each point is marked on the ground with a red and white "kite" on a pole.
You decide the best, the fastest route for you, between one control point and the next from the start to the finish of your course.
There are short and long courses, easy courses and difficult courses. You choose the course that suits you.
Deuchny Hill in Perth is an orienteering area.
Click 1,2, or 3, below and see a map of the hill and what an orienteering course looks like.
1 A long difficult course-
(The start is at the triangle; the finish at the double circle.)
2 A short difficult course-
3 A shorter easy course for beginners or some older runners.
(The legend on each map tells you what the symbols mean.)
And, it doesn’t matter how young, old, fit or unfit you are as you can run, walk, jog, just go at your own pace.
You are timed through the start and again at the finish and timed through all your controls.
INTERESTED? here are some other websites with more infomation.
First - Ready to go? Here is a list of events coming up in Perthshire and the surrounding area.
Next - the Scottish Orienteering Association guide to what you do when you get to an event-
Here is Manchester's OC fun way of saying all this ( a must view)
AND FINALLY- Watch the video
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