Club Info
Safeguarding, Protection & Welfare
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
The Scottish Orienteering community wants everyone to stay safe, feel welcome and have fun while taking part in orienteering. We all have a shared responsibility for safeguarding and creating safe, enjoyable environments in orienteering whether as an participant, coach, club official, volunteer, parent or spectator.
Further contact info.
See contacts in the menu and contact via the secretary.
BUT You can contact the following officials directly as follows.
Permanent Courses
Permanent Orienteering Courses
Orienteering courses are available for club members training and meeting for unofficial small group "events" or for newcomers who want to Come and Try orienteering. You can use Permanent courses or Maprun courses
Commitee Minutes
As of March 2021 "The minutes of the Tay Committee meetings are circulated to members through the members Google Group. If you are unable to access them please contact the Club Secretary"Previous committee meeting minutes. Stored in Club Info section.
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Agenda - AGM 2020
Details of the agenda for the ZOOM agm on 1st October.
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The minutes from the Tayside AGM (October 2019) are now available on Dropbox.