
Tayside Coaching Series -Starting soon
Things get underway at BlackSpout Wood, Pitlochry on April 23rd
Paid Part-time Coaching Position NOW FILLED
Following a successful funding application Tayside Orienteers are looking to hire a part-time coach on a self-employed basis from March through to November.

Further contact info.
See contacts in the menu and contact via the secretary.
BUT You can contact the following officials directly as follows.

Coaching - first session of 2019 coming up!
A reminder that the first of our 2019 coaching sessions for club members is coming up this Saturday 16 March.

Coaching sessions - last call for bookings!
Check out the Coaching page for details of the two remaining sessions we are running this year.

East of Scotland Orienteering Association
Junior coaching series
The East of Scotland Orienteering Association runs a series of coaching for juniors which are open to TAY junior members.

4-week coaching block - provisional dates
The club coaches have been busy working on the coaching programme for 2017. The provisional programme is four Saturday sessions using quality Perthshire areas - locations TBC. The dates will be 22 April, 6 May, 3 June and 10 June.