SOUL 2023. Muirton, Perth

Sat 11th Feb 2023
Last updated: 16th Feb
Type of event: Regional
Type of terrain: Urban
Read more about the mapped area
Results and split times
Scottish Orienteering Urban League - Saturday February 11th -New map of Perth's South and North Muirton .
Make a weekend of it - The Compass Sport Cup Scottish trial in on Sunday February 12th
Nearest town: Perth
- Grid Ref: NO112242
- Postcode: PH1 5BF
- Latitude: 56.41061
- Longitude: -3.44004
- Google Map (aerial)
- Bing Map (OS)
- OpenStreetMap
Pre event information
If you want to try out Orienteering, there will be help available on the day.
Courses 6 & 7 are most suitable for newcomers.
You can just turn up on the day and go to registration.
Please bring the cash for your entries.
Adult group £14 Juniors or students £7
EVERYONE will want to know we are using a new map of S Muirton and updated map of N Muirton by Chris Smithard.
Maps Scale 1:4000. Map size - all courses 75% of A3
Maps for courses 1,2 &3 will be double sided.
There are a number of out of bounds areas with red hatching including a number of football fields. This must be observed even if people are not playing football. They will not be taped.
Courses 6 and 7 (juniors) do not cross any busy roads but they do traverse very minor roads and parking areas in the housing estate which will have some traffic. Both courses cross one main road at a pelican crossing where there is a timed-out leg to facilitate safe crossing. The pelican crossing must be used. The leg between the control before the crossing and first control after the crossing will be timed out. This leg is about 50m and there is a 2 minute time limit on the time out. Parents who wish to follow juniors for safety reasons must run their own course first if they wish their run to count.
Junior courses do not go any closer than 50m from the Tay but all competitors should keep away from this steep and obvious bank.
Directions / Parking
From all directions head for the Inveralmond roundabout on the north side of the city.
Head south towards Perth centre on Dunkeld Road. Note - do not head out on the dual carriageway towards Dunkeld.
Carry on past a roundabout, a rail bridge and a set of lights.
At the next roundabout take 1st left on Gowans Terrace. This is in the competition area so lookout for runners.
PARKING Follow until shortly before St Johns School/ N Inch Community Centre you will see parking on the left hand side of the road. W3W:///regard.planet.intervals
If this is full turn left on exit into Muirton Cottage Road. W3W:///senses.engage.crew
If this is full please find safe legal street parking.
Registration and Download at North Inch Community Campus
Toilets - at the Community Campus
Shelter - at the Community Campus
There are also toilets available at the Broxden park and ride, South Inch car park area and at Bells Sports Centre.
There are a number of good cafes and restaurants - 1 The Blackwatch Museum (only use after the event) 2 At the Inveralmond roundabout. (Tiso, M&S, Starbucks, Costa)
Registration & Start Times
Pre-entered with your own dibber. Go directly to the start in your time slot and get a start time.
Collecting a dibber - go to registration before going to the start.
Registration will be 10.15 to 12.30 to pick up hire dibbers
Start times will be 11 to 12.30
The start is approximately 600m from registration. Juniors should be accompanied on the walk.
Go along Gowans Terr and then Bute Dr (100m)
Course Information
Usual SOUL courses with distances as shown-
Course 1 MO 8.3km 27 controls
Course 2 MV (40+) WO 6.7km 21 controls
Course 3 MSV (Supervet) (55+) WV (40+) 5,7km 18 controls
Course 4 MUV (65+) WSV (55+) 4.0km 17 controls
Course 5 MHV (75+) WUV (65+) WHV (75+) 3,2km 16 controls
Course 6 MJ WJ (under 16) 4.1km 22 controls
Course 7 MYJ WYJ (under 12) 3.5km 17 controls
6 & 7 Free of fast moving traffic and with one timed out pelican beacon crossing.
There are four relatively busy roads in the area - Dunkeld Road (especially at shopping centre car park exit), Gowans Terrace, Bute Drive (from traffic lights on Dunkeld road to join Gowans Terr) and The Rookery/Lark Drive heading from Gowans Terr towards the town. All are in the competition area. Runners should expect to cross all of them except Dunkeld Road which may however be a routechoice, and they must be treated with care. Take care too at the large and small roundabouts.
There are two main crossings on Bute Drive. 1. To get to the start close to Perth Grammar School and 2. at the beaconed crossing some 300m further north. The latter will be a timed out crossing point for children under 16 who should only cross Bute Drive at this point. It is timed out with a 2 minute limit. See above.
Muirton has a lot of walkways and pavements. Take care running on these especially at corners and junctions. But there are many streets and parking areas which demand usual care.
Rough grass areas on the map are very rough and some areas of white woodland are fairly dense and difficult to run through.
Some wood areas are marred by litter which could prove dangerous e.g rusty cans.
Juniors should be especially careful close to the football field parking in the east of the N Muirton area, it looks like an open running area. The pitches are out of bounds even if they are not being used at the time.
Parents who wish to follow juniors for safety reasons must run their own course first if they wish to count. Accompanied juniors will be allowed to start when ready.
Explanation of colour courses
- White are very easy with all controls on paths. They are mainly used by 6-10 year olds and family groups.
- Yellow use simple linear features like paths, walls and streams. They are mainly used by under 12’s and family groups.
- Orange progress to basic use of the compass and route choice. They are ideal for novice adults or experienced youngsters.
- Light Green are ideal for improvers as the navigational difficulty begins to increase and uses simple contours and point features.
- Green are used mostly by experienced under 18’s and adults wanting a short but challenging course with a very hard navigational difficulty.
- Blue are a longer, more physically demanding course in comparison to the green. The distances are more varied between controls and the course attracts experienced orienteers.
- Brown & Black are very physically demanding and have a very hard navigational difficulty. They are for experienced orienteers only.
- Score means visiting as many controls as possible in any order in a specific time, like 45mins.
Entry Details
Entries on line closed.
Adult/ Family group £12 (non BOF or SOA members £14 ) Junior/Student £ 5 (non BOF or SOA members £7 )
Contacts / Officials
Organiser Maire Convery (Tayside) ()
Planner Clive Masson (Tayside)
Controller Roger Scrutton (Esoc)
Dogs allowed?
No dogs on the loose, on the course or left unattended, please.
Safety and Risk
A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Keep It Clean campaign - Forestry Commission Scotland
Our forests are at risk from tree pests and diseases. These can dramatically affect the health of our trees, upsetting the delicate ecosystem balance and devastating large areas of woodland.
Pests and diseases hitch a ride in mud and debris on shoes, paws and tyres, ending up in new forests. Here, they can spread rapidly in environments with no natural resilience.
Read more about this on the FCS website.
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