South of Scotland Orienteering League Event, Culteuchar

Sun 18th May 2014
Last updated: 18th May
Type of event: Regional
Type of terrain: Moorland
Read more about the mapped area
Results and split times
BOF Ranking Points
Tayside Orienteers held the 7th and last race in the 2013-14 South of Scotland Orienteering League (SoSOL) race at Culteuchar on 18th May 2014. Culteuchar is a large, mainly open hill area south of Strath Earn, with some of the finest 'O' running and views of any area in the South of Scotland.
Thanks to everyone who came along and supported the event - we hope you all had fun!
Additional results:
- String Course Results (Excel format)
- Splitsbrowser results - compare your split times with other competitors.
Nearest town: Forgandenny
- Grid Ref: NO085158
- Postcode: PH2 9HU
- Latitude: 56.32684
- Longitude: -3.48623
- Google Map (aerial)
- Bing Map (OS)
- OpenStreetMap
Pre event information
Culteuchar is an open hill area with great runnability and is probably one of the best hill orienteering areas you will get. Longer courses will encounter areas of forestry plantation.
The map scale is 1:10,000 and maps and control descriptions will be printed on waterproof paper. Power lines, pylons and wind turbines are not shown on the map.
Grateful thanks to Alexander Dewar for allowing us to use this area.
Directions / Parking
From Stirling/Perth via the A9: on the Cairnie Braes take the B934 south and at the bottom of the hill take the junction on your right over a bridge. Continue over the level crossing and keep going straight on in a mainly southerly direction. At the next T junction turn left then fork right in about 1.5 Km. Turn right at next T-junction and look out for O signs.
From Edinburgh and Fife via the M90: take junction 9 and head towards Bridge of Earn. Half way through the village turn left onto the B935 for Forgandenny. Travel through Forgandenny then look out for a road sign pointing to Ardargie, Rossie Ochil, Path of Condie, Glenfarg. Take this road on your left and in about 1.3 miles take the farm track on your left to the parking field.
The parking field will be unsuitable for camper vans.
There will be a parking fee of £1.50. Please car share if you can, and have the exact change to ease the parking process.
Parking and Assembly are in the same field, but please note that due to the area's logistical constraints we have had to provide two remote finishes:
- The Finish for the White, Yellow and Orange courses is a 10 minute walk back to Assembly and Download.
- The Finish for all other courses is a 30 minute walk back to Assembly and Download.
The start is a 20 Minute walk from parking and will be signed from the top right of the parking field.
There is a wooden fence to be crossed then a rough uphill walk of about 50 metres before you join the main farm track. It is not suitable for buggies so you should use the main farm track from the bottom of the parking field.
The start is located near the brow of a hill, so is quite exposed. The start arrangement is:
- 1 minute start intervals:
- Control descriptions in -3 box
- Blank maps in -2 box
- Map layout plan in -1 box.
There will only be one helper at the start so an element of self-sufficiency is required.
Scotloo will provide a toilet which will be located at the gate into the parking field.
First aiders are available at the registration tent and, until 12.30, at the Start.
The String course, courtesy of the Nicoll family, will be located in a little piece of forestry adjacent to the top of the parking field. Follow signs.
Amber and Robyn, who provided catering for the Scottish Sprints and Night Championships back in February, will be back with their cake stall and will have their delicious Victoria sponges and raspberry tray bake on offer. Please support them if you can!
Registration & Start Times
Registration will be open from 1000.
Starts will be from 1030-1230.
Maps for the white and yellow course should be picked up from registration otherwise it is a 40 minute round trip to go back and get the map.
Course Information
The usual range of SoSOL courses will be on offer:
Course | Length (km) | Climb (m) |
Brown | 9.5 | 380 |
Blue | 8.1 | 350 |
Green | 5.6 | 140 |
Short Green | 3.6 | 140 |
Light Green | 3.5 | 155 |
Orange | 3.5 | 125 |
Yellow | 2.3 | 70 |
White | 1.3 | 35 |
SportIdent electronic punching will be used. SI card will be available to hire if you don't have one.
As this is an open, remote and exposed area we recommend that you carry a whistle while out running and please bring a cagoule. Please remember to download on your return to the parking field to save any unnecessary searches!
Explanation of colour courses
- White are very easy with all controls on paths. They are mainly used by 6-10 year olds and family groups.
- Yellow use simple linear features like paths, walls and streams. They are mainly used by under 12’s and family groups.
- Orange progress to basic use of the compass and route choice. They are ideal for novice adults or experienced youngsters.
- Light Green are ideal for improvers as the navigational difficulty begins to increase and uses simple contours and point features.
- Green are used mostly by experienced under 18’s and adults wanting a short but challenging course with a very hard navigational difficulty.
- Blue are a longer, more physically demanding course in comparison to the green. The distances are more varied between controls and the course attracts experienced orienteers.
- Brown & Black are very physically demanding and have a very hard navigational difficulty. They are for experienced orienteers only.
- Score means visiting as many controls as possible in any order in a specific time, like 45mins.
Entry Details
Online entries are now open, via OEntries. The closing date for pre-entries is 11 May. Entry on the day is very limited, so we strongly recommend you enter in advance.
Entry fees are:
- Adult pre-entry: £10 (BOF member), £12 (non BOF member)
- Adult entry on the day: £12
- Students and Juniors: £6
Contacts / Officials
Planner: Dave Prentice
Organiser: Elaine Gillies - contact
Dogs allowed?
Unfortunately, due to lambing activity, no dogs are permitted at the event. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes.
Safety and Risk
A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Keep It Clean campaign - Forestry Commission Scotland
Our forests are at risk from tree pests and diseases. These can dramatically affect the health of our trees, upsetting the delicate ecosystem balance and devastating large areas of woodland.
Pests and diseases hitch a ride in mud and debris on shoes, paws and tyres, ending up in new forests. Here, they can spread rapidly in environments with no natural resilience.
Read more about this on the FCS website.
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