Tay Christmas Score Event

Sun 09th Dec 2018
Last updated: 09th Apr
Type of event: Local
Type of terrain: Forest
Read more about the mapped area
Thank you to everyone who came to run on our new map of St Magdalene's Hill (Perth) at our much-loved Christmas event. Read the Organiser's report ....
"Many thanks to everyone for helping at and coming to our Christmas event. Moira did a great job of planning the courses with the help of Alistair and Lindsay took care of the meals. P&K council provided us with the portaloos which are handy for events on cold days where the nearest toilet is over half a mile away. I'm sorry I couldn't give out proper splits but I loaded the batter pack in the car the night before because it's heavy and I could pack stuff around it, but I must have knocked it packing in the other stuff because when I went in the boot yesterday morning the light was on and must have been on all night so the battery was drained so I couldn't power the splits printer. Robin helped by linking his computer to ours to give extra battery life and so people could see results and we could print results. In future I will load the battery pack in last (and hopefully not then forget it!). The Pearson's quiz combining plants and O courses was excellent. Well done Ann for designing it and Chris for being quiz master. Thanks to Sheila and Paul along with several Tay members for bringing in controls and the Andersons for helping Moira and Alistair put them out." Angela Dixon, Organiser
Nearest town: Perth
- Grid Ref: NO108212
- Postcode: PH2 0AS
- Latitude: 56.38017
- Longitude: -3.44496
- Google Map (aerial)
- Bing Map (OS)
- OpenStreetMap
Pre event information
Directions / Parking
Car park at junction of Glendevon Road and Glenlochay Road, Perth, PH2 0AS. Parking at the small car park and in the surrounding roads when car park full. There won't be parking marshalls. Park sensibly with consideration for local residents and other users of the area, and keep children and dogs away from parked cars.
Car keys may be left at registration. Toilets will be near the club tent. Showers are available at Perth Leisure Pool, Glasgow Road, Perth PH2 0HZ for £1 per person.
Lunch afterwards will be at Broxden Farm, near the Broxden roundabout, Perth, PH1 1TJ. This is the roundabout you come to if approaching Perth on the A9 from Stirling. We hope to be eating at about 1.30pm. The menu can be found here (children's menu is for under 12's). Please let Lindsay know your menu choice by Monday 3 December, specifying two or three courses and adult or child menu. Email linz_melrose @ hotmail.com (remove spaces). Payment is on the day but if you cancel after Monday you will be asked to pay the full price. There will be a quiz and prizes.
Registration & Start Times
11am mass start for 1 hour course, 11.10am mass start for 45 minute course.
Courses close 12.30.
Registration and download will be at the club tent which will be sited near the car park, at the junction of Glendevon Road and Glenlochay Road, Perth, PH2 0AS. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions please download and complete a medical form, bring it with you in a sealed envelope and leave at Registration. If you are travelling on your own please let us know at Registration.
Course Information
2 score courses. In score courses you can visit the controls in any order within the time limit. Some controls get more points than others. Points are deducted if you're late back so you need an accurate watch. Choice of 45 minute novice score course where more controls will be on or near paths or 1 hour score course with more difficult controls included. Bonus points for fancy dress and finding the fairy and Santa!
Livestock in the fields:- there may be cattle or sheep in the fields and rough grazing areas. Please avoid disturbing them during your run. All fences must be crossed at the marked crossing points only, and gates must be kept closed. Runners on the Long course may pass through the parking area near the Start/Finish on their way to and from the wooded area to the north of the map - please take care!
Explanation of colour courses
- White are very easy with all controls on paths. They are mainly used by 6-10 year olds and family groups.
- Yellow use simple linear features like paths, walls and streams. They are mainly used by under 12’s and family groups.
- Orange progress to basic use of the compass and route choice. They are ideal for novice adults or experienced youngsters.
- Light Green are ideal for improvers as the navigational difficulty begins to increase and uses simple contours and point features.
- Green are used mostly by experienced under 18’s and adults wanting a short but challenging course with a very hard navigational difficulty.
- Blue are a longer, more physically demanding course in comparison to the green. The distances are more varied between controls and the course attracts experienced orienteers.
- Brown & Black are very physically demanding and have a very hard navigational difficulty. They are for experienced orienteers only.
- Score means visiting as many controls as possible in any order in a specific time, like 45mins.
Entry Details
Online entry via Fabian 4 CLICK HERE
Online entries close Sunday 2 December! Pre-entry online cost £7 adult/ group BOF/SOA, £9 non BOF/SOA. £3 child under 21/ student BOF/SOA member, £5 non BOF/SOA. Special group rates for school groups etc are possible if you contact the organiser. Entry on the day cost £9 adult/group, £5 child/ student. Pre-entry recommended to ensure you get a map.
Contacts / Officials
Angela Dixon a dixon frog @gmail. com (remove spaces)
Dogs allowed?
To be kept under close control at all times
Safety and Risk
A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Keep It Clean campaign - Forestry Commission Scotland
Our forests are at risk from tree pests and diseases. These can dramatically affect the health of our trees, upsetting the delicate ecosystem balance and devastating large areas of woodland.
Pests and diseases hitch a ride in mud and debris on shoes, paws and tyres, ending up in new forests. Here, they can spread rapidly in environments with no natural resilience.
Read more about this on the FCS website.
When entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports.
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