Tayside Autumn Series 1

Sun 27th Nov 2022
Last updated: 27th Nov
Type of event: Local
Type of terrain: Parkland
Read more about the mapped area
Results will be available soon.
Dear Entrant,
Thank you for entering the Balgay Hill, Dundee orienteering event
This is a small local event so all entries are as open punching start any time between 11 and 12. There is limited entry on the day, it would be helpful to let me know if you plan this so a map can be reserved.
The registration desk will be located at the edge of Lochee Park and is where you can pick up your dibber if you are borrowing one.
Helpers at the registration desk will be able to point all competitors to the Start which is a short walk into the wood. There will be someone on hand to give a few pointers to new orienteers.
All courses use a 1:5000 scale with 5 metres between the contour lines. Some areas in the woods are very steep and with the recent rainfall and fallen leaves some parts of the ground are steep and muddy so please wear appropriate footwear.
Please go to the Finish even if you retire halfway round your course. There is a download unit there for your dibber so that we know who is still left out on the courses.
There should be sufficient parking at Lochee Park but if this becomes full then there is street parking nearby.
If you use the What3Words app then the car park is /// raced.smug.sector
There is a toilet in carpark at Lochee Park
The results will be sent to participants and posted on the https://www.taysideorienteers.org.uk/
All enquiries regarding this email should be directed to
A comprehensive risk assessment has been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event. Balgay Hill has some steep woodland which could be slippy and the event is in November and therefore has potential to be cold, wet and windy so appropriate clothing and footwear should be worn. There are some small access road on the hill so runners should be aware of the potential for slow moving traffic. The area is in a public park within an urban area and there will be other members of the public, dogs and cyclist within the area to be aware of. Covid-19 remains a risk and participants should not attend if they have symptoms of covid-19. Hand sanitiser will be available at registration.
See you on Sunday - Gillian
Nearest town: Dundee
- Grid Ref: NO378312
- Postcode: DD2 2HS
- Latitude: 56.46927
- Longitude: -3.01215
- Google Map (aerial)
- Bing Map (OS)
- OpenStreetMap
Pre event information
This is a local orienteering event suitable for both new orienteers and those experienced in orienteering. The start will be located in Lochee Park which is located on Ancrum Road, Dundee (DD2 2HS). There are parking facilities and a toilet here as well as a childrens play area.
Orienteering courses will start and finish on the playing fields in Lochee Park near to the parking area. Courses will include Balgay Hill which offers good, fast orienteering in the woodlands with easier courses sticking to paths. Some parts are very steep and the area is mapped at 1:4000 scale with 5m contours.
Directions / Parking
Registration and Parking will be at Lochee Park (DD2 2HS) which is located on Ancrum Road not far from Ninewells Hospital. Grid Ref NO 378 312. There is a car park and toilet at the main park entrance.
Toiets available - parking area at Ancrum Rd park entrance.
Registration & Start Times
Registration will be near the car park and will open 10.45am.Start times will be between 11 and 12.30 and will be allocated the week before. Maps will be issued at registration and are 1:4000 scale with 5m contours.Entry on the day is possible but will be subject to map availability. Hired dibbers can be collected at registration
Course Information
Short green 3km, 70m
Light green 3km, 65m
Orange 2.3km, 55m
Yellow 1.6km, 25m
White 1.0km, 10m
Explanation of colour courses
- White are very easy with all controls on paths. They are mainly used by 6-10 year olds and family groups.
- Yellow use simple linear features like paths, walls and streams. They are mainly used by under 12’s and family groups.
- Orange progress to basic use of the compass and route choice. They are ideal for novice adults or experienced youngsters.
- Light Green are ideal for improvers as the navigational difficulty begins to increase and uses simple contours and point features.
- Green are used mostly by experienced under 18’s and adults wanting a short but challenging course with a very hard navigational difficulty.
- Blue are a longer, more physically demanding course in comparison to the green. The distances are more varied between controls and the course attracts experienced orienteers.
- Brown & Black are very physically demanding and have a very hard navigational difficulty. They are for experienced orienteers only.
- Score means visiting as many controls as possible in any order in a specific time, like 45mins.
Entry Details
SI entries https://www.sientries.co.uk/event.php?elid=Y&event_id=10598
Adults: £5, Children: £3 Charge is per map (£2 extra for non-members). Dibbers will be available for hire at registration. Entry on the day (paid in cash) will be available but course maps may be limited so to guarantee entry on your preferred course please use SI entries. If you intend to enter on the day and have not used SI entries please e-mail gillian.tuddenham@googlemail.com in advance so a map can be allocated.
Contacts / Officials
Gillian Tuddenham - Organiser and Planner -
Safety and Risk
A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Keep It Clean campaign - Forestry Commission Scotland
Our forests are at risk from tree pests and diseases. These can dramatically affect the health of our trees, upsetting the delicate ecosystem balance and devastating large areas of woodland.
Pests and diseases hitch a ride in mud and debris on shoes, paws and tyres, ending up in new forests. Here, they can spread rapidly in environments with no natural resilience.
Read more about this on the FCS website.
When entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports.
Read our privacy policy to see how we look after your personal data.