Tayside South of Scotland Orienteering League, Balkello,Dundee
Sun 19th May 2024
Last updated: 24th May
Type of event: Regional
Type of terrain: Forest, Moorland
Read more about the mapped area
Results and split times
Tayside hosts the 4th South of Scotland Orienteering League event at Balkello near Dundee.
LOCATION What3Words voice.cone.debit
QUICK LINK ENTRIES https://www.sientries.co.uk/event.php?event_id=13588
FINAL DETAILS- These should be read along with the other info below.
I hope everyone is all set for Sunday's event at Balkello - the weather is looking promising so hopefully will see some sunshine on the Sidlaws!
As the weather has been dry we will have access to the large parking field next to the main Community Woodland at Balkello - please access the car park as usual and someone will direct you appropriately. There is a single portaloo for the event, further public toilets are located at the park in Kirkton of Auchterhouse approximately 2km away.
On the maps not all tracks are marked in the open area - there are some small intermittent tracks and ATV tracks that will come and go. Gorse is generally well marked but more extensive is some areas. The pylon towers are marked but not the power lines. Check you know the symbol for pylon towers.
For all courses you will need to collect your map and clear your dibber at registration which will be located near the car park. The brown, blue and green courses use a far start which is unmanned and has no clear station so it is particularly important that you collect your map and clear your dibber before you set off. The route to the far start will be taped and is 1.8km with 210m climb, leave around 20-30 minutes to get there.
All other courses (trail loop, white, yellow, orange, light green and short green) begin near registration. The finishes for all courses are also located near registration.
Both starts are unmanned punching starts and there are no formal start times, suggested start windows are listed below with a full list available on the website shortly. Please ensure you leave at least a minute between each runner.
I look forward to seeing you all,
Gillian Tuddenham
Early Start Window (11-11.45am)
· - Brown – Finn Selmer-Duguid, William Ivory, Dominic Ivory
· - Blue – Lesley Grattan, Alistair Duguid, Katherine Kirk, Jack Cheyne
· - Green – Alison Harding, Kevin Harding, Claire Duncan, Pauline McAdam, Katherine Ivory, Helena Carey
Middle Start Window (11.45am-12.30pm)
· - Brown -Graham Gristwood
· - Blue – David Williams, Rhys Stanwix, David Robertson, Robert Sinclair, Ali Robertson, Kate Robertson, Alastair Dunlop
· - Green – Oliver Robertson, Mark Holliday, Ted Finch, Andrew Reynolds, Robin Strain, Sheila Strain
Late Start Window (12.30-1pm)
· - Blue – Rebecca Morris, Tim Harding, Calum Robertson, Mike Kipling
· - Green – John Robertson, Colin Cranfield, Colin Ledlie, Colin Matheson
Early Start Window (11-11.45am)
· - Short green – Jim Moffat, Fia Selmer, John Lewis, David Ellison
· - Light green – Fraser Cheyne, Craig McAdam, Barry McManamon, Carl Selmer Duguid, Michael Pearson, Anne Pearson, James Edward, Nigel Schofield
· - Orange – Euan Tuddenham, Robert Gunn, Lauren Sinclair, Sophie Edward
· - White – Isla Sinclair
· - Trail Loop – Emma McManamon
Middle Start Window (11.45am-12.30pm)
· - Short green – Val Finch, Phil Smithard, Bill Melville, John Campbell, Moira Laws
· - Light green – Morven Duncan
· - Orange – Emily Robertson, Les Smithard
· - Yellow – Chris Pearson
Late Start Window (12.30-1pm)
· - Light green – Heather Smithard
All enquiries regarding this email should be directed to .
Nearest town: Auchterhouse
- Grid Ref: NO366384
- Postcode: DD30QY
- Latitude: 56.53422
- Longitude: -3.03475
- Google Map (aerial)
- Bing Map (OS)
- OpenStreetMap
Pre event information
Safety notes
Other hill users – this area is popular with hikers, dog walkers, runners, cyclists – please respect their right to be there at the same time you are orienteering
Dogs – this area is popular with dog walkers, please slow down to a walk and give plenty of room if passing off-lead dogs and stand still if an off-lead dog is agitated
Livestock – there may be sheep or cattle on the hill please keep a safe distance from these and keep any dogs on a lead
You must report to Download even if you do not complete your course, so we know you are back safely (and don't need a search party). Please return to Download by 3pm.
Whistles are strongly advised, and we require full leg cover for all competitors, as per standard rules. Brambles, thickets etc may be present.
Ticks are found in the area. If you find a tick on you remove it as soon as possible and seek medical advice if necessary. A tick remover will be available at registration.
Poor weather. In the case of rain please ensure you wear an appropriate rain jacket. In the event of extreme weather the Organiser will review the conditions and may cancel the event. Please keep an eye on weather forecasts and information on the Tay website.
Directions / Parking
The event will be based in the Sidlaws outside Dundee. Parking is in the Balkello Community Woodland Car Park where you will be directed to the overflow parking field.
There are no public transport options but we would encourage lift shares as far as possible.
Toilet facilities are very limited with a single portable toilet. There are public toilet facilities in the village of Kirkton of Auchterhouse which is close by. They are free located in the public park within the main village (what3words mega.madder.impulse)
The nearest cafe is Pine Cone Cafe http://taysideforestry.uk/the-pine-cone/ which is located towards Dundee near Templeton Woods.
Registration & Start Times
REGISTRATION: Registration and Download will both be in the Parking field and Registration will be open from 10.30am until 12.45pm
For the collection of hired dibbers and White & Yellow maps
To leave car keys (lone runners should leave in a named envelope)
EOD if maps are available (no fee surcharge).
There will be a far and a near start The far start will be used for brown, blue and green courses and will be a 20 minute uphill walk. All other courses begin at the near start which is located near the car park
The main Finish is for all courses and is close to download and the car park.
START TIMES: Starts will run from 11am to 1pm. Please choose an early start block (if you think you might take a long time out on your course. You must be back at Download by 3pm when courses close.
Course Information
Usual SoSOL Courses plus a trail loop suitable for wheelchairs. You may run in any colour coded course the age age groups in brackets denote the associated colour coded course
Brown 8.6 km,190m 22 controls (M18, M20, M21, M35, M40)
Blue 5.4 km,100m 17 controls (M16, M45, M50, M55, M60, W18, W20, W21, W35, W40)
Green 4.2 km, 90m 14 controls (M65, M70, W16, W45, W50, W55, W60)
Short Green 3.4 km, 90m 10 controls (M75, M80, W65, W70, W75, W80)
Light green 4.2 km, 90m 12 controls (M14, W14)
Orange 2.5 km, 90 m 11 controls (M12, W12)
Yellow 1.9 km, 75m 9 controls (M10, W10)
White 1.3km, 25m 9 controls (M10B, W10B)
Trail loop 550m 25m 3 controls - Suitable for all terrain wheel chairs and ambulant disabled
Explanation of colour courses
- White are very easy with all controls on paths. They are mainly used by 6-10 year olds and family groups.
- Yellow use simple linear features like paths, walls and streams. They are mainly used by under 12’s and family groups.
- Orange progress to basic use of the compass and route choice. They are ideal for novice adults or experienced youngsters.
- Light Green are ideal for improvers as the navigational difficulty begins to increase and uses simple contours and point features.
- Green are used mostly by experienced under 18’s and adults wanting a short but challenging course with a very hard navigational difficulty.
- Blue are a longer, more physically demanding course in comparison to the green. The distances are more varied between controls and the course attracts experienced orienteers.
- Brown & Black are very physically demanding and have a very hard navigational difficulty. They are for experienced orienteers only.
- Score means visiting as many controls as possible in any order in a specific time, like 45mins.
Entry Details
Pre-Entry via SiEntries is required for this event, direct link will be updated near the time. Entries will open on Friday 19th April and will close at 23:59 on Sunday 12th May.
Late pre-entries - late entries may be available after 8pm on Friday 8th if there are maps remaining by emailing gillian.tuddenham@googlemail.com
There will be very limited entry on the day and will be dependent on there being available maps
Juniors: Juniors may be shadowed if they are just to be "followed". If they are to be helped please enter as a pair.
Entry Fees
For 2024 we have a new range of Individual entry fees following membership restructuring by British Orienteering and increases in levy charges by British Orienteering and Scottish Orienteering for all competitors.
Senior/Young Adult BOF Member - £12
Senior/Young Adult SOA Member - £13
Senior/Young Adult Non Member - £14
All Juniors / Trail loop - £6
SportIdent (SI) electronic timing will be used with the course controls SIAC enabled. Start and Finish units must be punched normally.
SI card hire can be requested via the entry form,
- Free standard SI card hire but there will be a £30.00 charge if lost.
Entries on line at Si Entries
Contacts / Officials
Organiser Gillian Tuddenham
Planner Fran Loots
Controller Sarah Dunn
Nearest Emergency Department
Ninewells Hospital, Dundee DD2 1UB
Dogs allowed?
Dogs are welcome in the parking field but are not allowed on the courses
Safety and Risk
A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Keep It Clean campaign - Forestry Commission Scotland
Our forests are at risk from tree pests and diseases. These can dramatically affect the health of our trees, upsetting the delicate ecosystem balance and devastating large areas of woodland.
Pests and diseases hitch a ride in mud and debris on shoes, paws and tyres, ending up in new forests. Here, they can spread rapidly in environments with no natural resilience.
Read more about this on the FCS website.
When entering our events your name may appear in the results section of this website or in newspaper reports.
Read our privacy policy to see how we look after your personal data.