Tayside Spring 3

Sun 21st May 2023
Last updated: 21st May
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Results and split times
Blackspout Event Results, Routegadget and Winsplits plus report from Organiser Alistair Duguid
Thank you to everyone who joined our event at Blackspout Woods. After a damp start the weather stayed reasonably dry, and it was a pleasure to organise the event and to meet many Tay members, particularly some of the newer members from our coaching sessions, as well as those from further afield. We hope you enjoyed the courses, and thank you to many for the positive feedback. Everyone seems to have enjoyed the oak woods section in particular. Some obviously found the stream crossing towards the end a bit of a surprise, and in hindsight this should probably have been noted in the final details!
Many thanks to Finn for planning such interesting courses, and to all of those who helped on the day, particularly to Chloe for helping put out the controls and run the start, Rory and Marie for helping with late starts and packing up, Moira and Bill for putting out signs and taping the start, Donald for download, registration and control collecting, Jane and David for helping with the equipment and Mark and Gillian for their extra help collecting controls. Many hands really do make light work, and all of the input was very much appreciated. Thanks also to the Atholl Palace Hotel, Pitlochry Estates and Perth and Kinross Council for their permission to use their land for the event.
We now have a break from organising events until the Culbin middle distance day at the Moray 6 day event in early August, but we do have a coaching day on the 17th June, and regular Tuesday evening training. Also hope to see some of you at the Scottish championships next weekend.
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Pre event information
Safety and Risk
A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Keep It Clean campaign - Forestry Commission Scotland
Our forests are at risk from tree pests and diseases. These can dramatically affect the health of our trees, upsetting the delicate ecosystem balance and devastating large areas of woodland.
Pests and diseases hitch a ride in mud and debris on shoes, paws and tyres, ending up in new forests. Here, they can spread rapidly in environments with no natural resilience.
Read more about this on the FCS website.
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