Tayside Xmas Score

Sun 08th Dec 2019
Last updated: 18th Oct
Type of event: Local, Score
Type of terrain: Forest
Read more about the mapped area
Results and split times
8th Dec - Tayside's Xmas Mass Start Score event will be held at Drummond Castle -Crieff
Final Details
Directions / Parking
Parking will be in the Castle Gardens car park at NN 842180 which is accessed from the minor road to the West of the Castle. The preferred route is from Muthill following the minor road past the Golf course and then North on the Balloch Road to the entrance to the Castle on the right. The route will be signposted from the A822. Please do not use the minor road past Balloch house from Crieff as it is very narrow with limited passing places. Please park considerately. PLEASE NOTE that the main entrance to the castle from the A822 is shut for the winter.
No exit before 1200 so as to protect competitors who maybe crossing the access road inside the castle grounds.
Terrain special notice
Access to the area is by kind permission of The Drummond Estates but they have had to get approval from SNH as whole area is an SSSI on account of its oak wood and lichens. Indeed the oak wood is so special it has been designated as a Special Area of Conservation, meaning it is one of the best oak woods of its type in Europe. The Bowat burn flows through the area: it is easily crossable everywhere. The main conservation concern for us is to safeguard the ground flora of the wood. Specifically, you should avoid marshy areas in Drummond wood. These marshy areas are marked on your map as out of bounds and some will be taped: there is no reason to go there - controls are planned such that it is fastest and easy to avoid them. The area at the west of the Loch is shown on the map as marsh and at this time of year impassable. Anyone venturing into these may be disqualified.
Fences and walls should be crossed at gates/designated crossing points and gates left as they are found.
There are numerous crags and cliffs on the area and although the short course largely avoids these parents should ensure that their children are aware of the danger. The main tree lined driveway running from the castle eastwards has steep slopes on either side.
There are toilets at the castle car park which is adjacent to registration, start and finish.
Dogs on leads in car park only.
Medical Conditions
You have the option of downloading and completing this Medical form. It could be life- saving if the organisers are aware of any existing medical conditions in the event of an incident. You can leave it at registration/enquires in a sealed envelope that will only be opened if required and destroyed after the event.
Entry On The Day
As of Friday afternoon there are still:
18 maps available for the 60 minute course
8 maps available for the 45 minute course
If you wish to reserve a map you can email . You can pay on the day. Entry on the day costs are £9 adult/group, £5 child/student.
Start Procedures
Registration will be from 1000
There are two massed starts, for the 60 minute course at 1100 and the 45 minute course at 1105. Call up will be 5 minutes before and maps will be given to competitors then.
Tayside Orienteers are holding their Annual Christmas Score Event at Drummond Castle PH7 4HZ near Crieff (GR NN 8418) on Sunday the 8th December 2019.
Massed start at - Experienced 1100. Novixce 11.05
Si punching BUT ......SIAC punching will not be available.
Online (Fabian 4) entries close Sunday 1 December! Limited entry on the day but pre-entry recommended to ensure you get a map.
Dogs (on a lead) in the car park only.
The open to all Xmas Dinner will be held at Crieff Golf Club after the event. See Lunch website item. Food orders from the menu placed by 29th Nov with Moira Laws (moira.laws @ hotmail.co.uk)
The Tay Xmas Qiz by Ann Pearson was excellent. Here it is for those who didn't come. 51 points available. 1 point for the official IOF definition and if a + point 1 extra point for translating it in to an word a boy would use in his letter.
Nearest town:
- Grid Ref: NN840180
- Postcode: PH7 4HZ
- Latitude: 56.34275
- Longitude: -3.88113
- Google Map (aerial)
- Bing Map (OS)
- OpenStreetMap
Pre event information
Tayside Orienteers are holding their Annual Christmas Score Event at Drummond Castle PH7 4HZ near Crieff (GR NN 8418) on Sunday the 8th December 2019.
SI punching will be used.
Online entries at Fabian 4 website. Close 1st Dec.
There will be a small number of maps available for EOD
Directions / Parking
Parking will be in the Castle Gardens car park at NN 842180 which is accessed from the minor road to the West of the Castle. The preferred route is from Muthill following the minor road past the Golf course and then North on the Balloch Road to the entrance to the Castle. The route will be signposted from the A822. Please do not use the minor road past Balloch house from Crieff as it is very narrow with limited passing places. Please park considerately. PLEASE NOTE that the main entrance to the castle from the A822 is shut for the winter.
Toilets are available in the car park
It is planned to hold the club Christmas lunch at Crieff Golf Club at 13:30. Limited Shower facilities will be available but please bring your own towel.
Further details to follow.
Registration & Start Times
REgistration from 10am. Start = 11am (experienced), 11:05 (novice).
Course Information
Registration will be from 1000 and will be in the Castle grounds near to the car parking. There will be two massed start .
Two courses will be offered
Score with a time limit of 60 minutes for experienced orienteers.... start 11:00
Score with a time limit of 45 minutes for novice runners...... start 11:05
Si punching
Explanation of Score courses
You don't have to visit all the controls! There is usually a time limit, instead of a set course. Points are scored for visiting controls, and deducted for finishing over the time limit. You decide which controls to visit, and in which sequence. Sometimes controls have different points values. You will need to carry a watch or phone, so you know how long you have been out.
Entry Details
Pre-entry online cost £7 adult/ group BOF/SOA, £9 non BOF/SOA. £3 child under 21/ student BOF/SOA member, £5 non BOF/SOA. Special group rates for school groups etc are possible if you contact the organiser. Entry on the day cost £9 adult/group, £5 child/ student.
Contacts / Officials
Fiona Downie - 0773 747 5381
Safety and Risk
A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Keep It Clean campaign - Forestry Commission Scotland
Our forests are at risk from tree pests and diseases. These can dramatically affect the health of our trees, upsetting the delicate ecosystem balance and devastating large areas of woodland.
Pests and diseases hitch a ride in mud and debris on shoes, paws and tyres, ending up in new forests. Here, they can spread rapidly in environments with no natural resilience.
Read more about this on the FCS website.
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