Tayside Orienteers


Perth and Kinross Primary Schools Orienteering - South Area Championships

Milnathort take first and third place!

At the South Area Chamionships at Lendrick Muir, near Crook of Devon, last week, there was a record turnout of 68 teams and record performances! The first five teams all beat last year's winning score, with the maximum 540 points being scored for the first time since the course was extended three years ago. Milnathort Primary's Team 1 came out on top, ahead of the Arctic Meerkats of Portmoak and Team 21 also of Milnathort. Congratulations to all teams who took part - the top 24 teams qualify for the final on May 21st at Scone Palace.

Results of South Area Championships.


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At the start: Perth & Kinross South Area Schools Champs 2014,

At the start: Perth & Kinross South Area Schools Champs 2014

Winning teams at the Perth & Kinross South Area Schools Champs 2014,

Winning teams at the Perth & Kinross South Area Schools Champs 2014