The main aims in planning the event were to make it a fun event, encourage as many as possible to take part, and to make the course challenging and enjoyable for everyone.
Having the grounds of Dunkeld House and Atholl Estates to play with made planning a lot of fun – a wide variety of terrain, lots of features, and scope for suitable controls for juniors as well as more challenging ones for seniors. The archery range was a 'must' for a control, and hotel staff were persuaded to keep it free during the event. Finding some interesting stone-lined pits during a preliminary visit to the area provided ideas for bonus controls and topics for a quiz.
One of the drawbacks was being unable to use the area of the map where clay pigeon shooting takes place – although there is no shooting on Sundays, the area presents hazards which might have resulted in an urgent call to our in-house medical team! It also meant we couldn’t use the upper car park area, so we had to use the area near the hotel. This had its advantages – central for registration, start and finish – but on the day of the event the available parking spaces were limited and we had to squeeze in late-comers in some rather rough corners!
At this time of year bad weather is a distinct possibility, and after earlier downpours, the paths by the river bank were under threat. Visions of orienteers getting an unscheduled 'dook' gave me some anxious moments! However, the waters receded and no last minute revisions to the control sites were necessary. The day itself dawned crisp and dry, and the sun make everything sparkle.
We were rewarded by an excellent turn-out of orienteers from near and far – over 50 entries, including some hotel visitors who had been intrigued seeing the kites being put up while they were eating breakfast. It was good to see so many juniors taking part – the youngest being under two years old! Unfortunately the sun chose midday to disappear, and the rain gave helpers at the finish a few problems recording the times. A rapid shift to the tent would have been a solution but difficult to organise as runners arrived en masse! Something to think about next time round.
A big thank you to everyone for their help at yesterday’s event – it made a real difference having such a willing and reliable team of volunteers (Bill and Elisabeth; Jane and David ; Jenny and Chris; Liz and Dave; Arabella and Richard; Roos and Pete; Elaine and Davie; Helen; Leslie; John).
Special thanks to Elaine and Davie, who seemed to be everywhere from start to finish; Jenny, Chris, Liz and Leslie for help at start and finish; John for coping with signs, lamp-posts and loading up the T bars; Helen for loan of digital camera (we look forward to Jenny’s photos on the website – and perhaps in SCORE!); Richard – still coping with results! - and to everyone who pitched in after their run and collected in the controls and the tape.
Moira Laws
Thanks to the Hilton Dunkeld House Hotel and Atholl Estates for permission to use the area; and to the Living Well for allowing us to use their showers afterwards.