Tayside Orienteers


2022 Coaching Series closes at Kinnoull

Saturday saw a great turnout of club members for the final coaching session of the current series, held at Kinnoull Hill, Perth.  There was a general catch-up reminding everyone of all the skills introduced and practised over the previous five sessions:  direction-finding with a compass;  getting a feel for distance;  cutting corners and using attack points;  learning to love contours; and finally - and probably the most challenging session - re-locating techniques to use after those 'headless chicken' moments!
The group then went on to put it all together with a game of 'noughts and crosses' - a real challenge of choosing the optimum route to a selected control, punching to prove you'd been there, and aiming to beat your partner by completing a set of three numbers in a row. Kinnoull's path network provided opportunities for confusion, but it was great fun, with several rivalries developing between family 'pairs.'
There was a de-brief afterwards over refreshments in the car park, and notes compared about which had been the most useful and most enjoyable sessions, and thoughts about the next coaching series - hopefully early in 2023. 
Huge thanks to specialist coach Hilary Quick, who designed the programme in conjunction with TAY coaches.  A special 'thank you' is also due to TAY junior, Finn Duguid, who assisted with coaching at most of the sessions and was a great motivator to the younger juniors. 


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